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Fish Friers

NFFF Statement - Packaging Tax

Article Date: 2017-11-22

The National Federation of Fish Friers are pleased to see an investigation period on food packaging will be undertaken before a packaging tax being imposed.

The NFFF is to open to discussions with any relevant parties on the matter and feel as an industry the fish and chip sector has long been using alternative packaging to polystyrene, not just from an environmental standpoint but with a view to quality. Fish and chips travel better in a cardboard erected form of packaging or a biodegradable box as the steam does not condense and cause the batter to go soft.

There isn’t however, one solution to fit the needs of every business. For example, shops that sell sauces on top of the chips do sometimes have to revert to polystyrene packaging. The National Federation of Fish Friers Training Academy has a selection of all the different types of packaging so we can highlight the choices available and the pros and cons of each. We do feel that a period of consultation with industry stakeholders may be the best course of action to ensure any moves on taxation are not only workable but also are well thought out.


National Federation of Fish Friers

Fish Friers